Friday, February 17, 2012

Goal: Induce Labor Before Tuesday

So I have been trying just a few things.... ok a ton of things, to try and persuade this little baby to want to come out. Have any more suggestions??

- I sit like this most of the day when I'm working either bouncing or swaying....

... loafers and all ;)

- I have tried eating pineapple.

- Drank raspberry tea from natural leaves.

- Had a chocolate shake.

- Had McDonalds for dinner. (Prob my least favorite out of all of them....)

-Tried my stab at spicy food (which I can't handle in the first place).

-Walked Tovi and then picked up all his droppings in the backyard. LOL. The bending over was supposed to help? But man if that would have worked can you just hear the story?  "Oh... yea I was just picking up poop and it made me go into labor!" HAHa goodness!

- Cleaning house and running up and down the stairs

- Jumping Jacks

- Dancing

What is on tonight's list?? Trying out some more pressure points and having Eggplant Parmesan from an Italian restaurant (date night!!).... lets see if that works!! Wish us luck! :)

xox m.


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