Friday, October 29, 2010

4 Chair Makeover

We have been very lucky to have friends and family give their unwanted furniture to us. Honestly we have been blessed. We have gotten about 4 couches, 3 beds, a bench, 2 rockers, a hutch, a table with a set of 4 chairs, a bookcase, and even some Halloween decorations! :) To me it’s a blessing, and to the friends it’s a blessing because now they get to go purchase brand new!
So far everything has been put to good use! We have passed a few of the items on and I am now in the stage of ‘re-doing’ the items that are left.
But lets start from the beginning. A few years ago I feel in love with a kitchen table at World Market Cost-Plus. So I started to save all the gift certificates to go towards this kitchen table. Well it was time for a table…. so I picked up my table only having to pay 25%, thanks to my loving family and friends for my GC! :) So I bring the table home and I start to get it set up, and realize I have no chairs. I naturally went online to check out some chairs and I was dumbfounded! I couldn’t believe how much chairs cost! Well little did I forget I had a set of chairs sitting in the basement waiting for me. Now these chairs didn’t match, they were a different color, look, style, feel…. but I say let’s revamp them! And that’s what I did.

I forgot to take a before picture… grr…. But if you can imagine they were a classic oak color. I used spray paint to cover the chair in a satin brown color. It was a pretty good match! And the seat cushion was a blue pattern. Pretty, but my kitchen is going to be whites and a hint of green.

Ta-da! Now I’m a little wishy washy on the patterns I picked out. After the kitchen is finished completely I will more than likely do the reupholster thing again to match, but for now… ahhhhh comfy seats to rest on while eating dinner. Now all I need to do is make a bench to match and the set will be complete. Maybe this weekend?? :)

xo m.


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